Office of Student Life


On-campus employment can be a huge opportunity for growth and learning!

If your supervisor is active in the Student Employment Experience (SEE) program, congratulations! You are automatically considered to be a SEE student.

How Does SEE Impact Student Employees?

As a SEE student, your employment experience will be impacted in a few ways:

1. Every semester, the SEE program creates a SEE Student Employee Workshop Schedule. SEE students are encouraged to attend at least one workshop each semester and SEE supervisors are encouraged to pay their student employees to attend these sessions. Please talk to your supervisor about their expectations around student workshop attendance.

2. The SEE program utilizes the Student Employment Experience Learning Assessment (SEELA) to track student professional development. As a SEE student, you will be asked to complete the SEELA once a semester. This assessment usually takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

3. SEE students participate in Guided Reflection on Work (GROW) conversations with their supervisor after taking the SEELA. These conversations are designed to help you make connections between your on-campus work, your classes, and your future career. Both the SEELA and GROW conversations happen during GROW Month (usually held in November during fall semesters and March during spring semesters).

How Can You Get the Most Out of Your Student Employment?

On-campus employment is a fantastic time to learn and grow! Take advantage of this time by cultivating your own skills, making connections with others, and exploring different career paths. Here are some ways you can get the most out of your time as a student employee:

1. Take advantage of learning opportunities – participate in workshops, attend conferences, and ask questions.

2. Be thoughtful during the GROW conversations you have with your supervisor. GROW conversations are a great way to reflect upon your own experiences and discover transferable skills you didn’t know you possessed!

3. Your on-campus job is real work experience. On-campus jobs can look great on your resume and many full-time employers are looking for candidates with your skills and experience! Use this time to practice the work ethic and habits you want to bring with you to your future career.

4. Build strong relationships at your job! These connections will make your time at work feel more meaningful and may even lead to great professional connections in the future.