Student Employee FAQ
How do I become a SEE student?
If your supervisor is active in the Student Employment Experience (SEE) program, congratulations! You are automatically considered to be a SEE student.
If your supervisor is not a SEE supervisor, unfortunately you cannot “sign-up” for the program as a student. That being said, please feel free to take advantage of the resources on our website and attend any workshops that interest you!
How does SEE affect my job?
As a SEE student, your employment experience will be impacted in a few ways:
- Every semester, the SEE program creates a SEE Student Employee Workshop Schedule. SEE students are encouraged to attend at least one workshop each semester and SEE supervisors are encouraged to pay their student employees to attend these sessions. Please talk to your supervisor about their expectations around student workshop attendance.
- The SEE program utilizes the Student Employment Experience Learning Assessment (SEELA) to track student professional development. As a SEE student, you will be asked to complete the SEELA once a semester. This assessment usually takes less than 15 minutes to complete.
- SEE students participate in Guided Reflection on Work (GROW) conversations with their supervisor after taking the SEELA. These conversations are designed to help you make connections between your on-campus work, your classes, and your future career. Both the SEELA and GROW conversations happen during GROW Month (usually held in November during fall semesters and March during spring semesters).
What do I need to do before my GROW conversation?
Plan to take the Student Employment Experience Learning Assessment (SEELA) and forward your results to your supervisor prior to your GROW conversation. When the SEELA is active, you can access it at The SEELA results will help both you and your supervisor identify areas of opportunity and skills that you can focus on!
What is Handshake?
Handshake is the university’s official job resource for all currently enrolled Ohio State students and alumni. Handshake is an intuitive, easy-to-use job search system to help students connect with employers for part-time jobs, internships, co-ops and full-time career opportunities.
Most (if not all) SEE student workshops will require you to register in Handshake. More information and tips on using this platform can be found on the Buckeye Careers website.