Office of Student Life


The Student Employment Experience Learning Assessment (SEELA) is the tool designed to track student development and help student employees learn how to identify and apply their transferable skills.  

Guided Reflection on Work (GROW)* conversations help student employees connect their on-campus employment to their academic coursework and career plans. 

Student employees will be asked to complete the SEELA once a semester during GROW Month (usually held in November during fall semesters and March during spring semesters). SEE supervisors then use these SEELA results to inform and guide the GROW conversations with their student employees. 

*GROW is used with permission from © University of Iowa 


Taking the SEELA 

Once a semester, students will be asked to take the SEELA to evaluate their Self-Efficacy Score** and their Behavioral Score*** in seven different competency categories:

1. Communication: Students will effectively articulate their thoughts and feelings, both verbally and non-verbally, in a manner that is clear, concise and authentic. Students will be aware that the manner in which they express their ideas can affect the way in which the message is received.

2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Students will have the ability to evaluate problems in multiple contexts, use inductive and deductive reasoning and create a sound analysis that leads to a logical conclusion. Students will learn to be innovative thinkers, ask insightful questions and offer creative solutions. 

3. Interpersonal Engagement: Students will be able to work cooperatively and productively with others in a variety of settings. Students will have the ability to develop meaningful relationships within multiple contexts. 

4. Information Literacy: Students will be self-directed learners who identify gaps in their own knowledge, utilize critical thinking and analysis skills, seek appropriate information and resources to fill those gaps through a variety of means, and effectively assess the knowledge acquired. They will contribute to the information ecosystem through ethical use of information and technological resources. 

5. Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement: Students will have an appreciation for the diversity in people and ideas and recognize the role of social diversity in shaping their own attitudes and values regarding appreciation of others. Students will have an understanding of the pluralistic nature of institutions, society, and culture in the United States and across the world that will help them to become engaged, responsible global citizens.

6. Ethical and Moral Reasoning: Students will have the ability to formulate and make considered and reasoned ethical and moral judgments. They should use the norms which guide human behavior in order to act with integrity and personal accountability in their daily lives. 

7. Self-Efficacy and Self-Awareness: Students will understand their own capabilities in the areas of wellness, coping with change, making difficult decisions, recovering from disappointment or setbacks and assessing their own ability to complete tasks, reach goals and succeed. Students will have a strong sense of self and will take personal responsibility for the direction and balance of their own lives. 

**The Self-Efficacy Score is the degree to which the student feels confident in their ability to use that skill. 

***The Behavioral Score is how often the student believes that they use that skill as part of their on-campus job. 


Scheduling GROW Conversations 

Once a student employee has received their SEELA results, they should forward the results to their supervisor. SEE supervisors will then conduct 30-minute GROW conversations with their student employees. GROW conversations can be held one-on-one or in small groups.  

The specific details of each GROW conversation will vary depending on the student employee’s needs, but there are resources available on our website to provide sample questions and assist supervisors in facilitating the conversation. 

GROW conversations should help the student employee connect their on-campus work to their academic coursework and their future careers, identify opportunities for future professional development and reflect upon their own skills and goals. 


Steps to Prepare for GROW Month 

1. Schedule your GROW conversations with your student employees. They should each last about 30 minutes.

2. Direct your students to complete the SEE Learning Assessment (SEELA) at The assessment should take 15 minutes or less to complete, and you are encouraged to allow your student employees to complete this during work time or just prior to their GROW conversations if you are able.

3. Review the GROW Guide on our website and determine which questions you plan to ask your students.

4. Keep track of how many GROW conversations you have. After you have held all of your conversations, please complete the GROW Tracking Form